Intensive One-Month Personalised Job Search Support
5 payments of £200 / Month
This is a mentoring session designed for people looking for my personal support in seeking a new role and want me to invest time in working with them to access the 'hidden' job market. A highly tailored service designed for people looking to get clearer on their personal brand and content strategy - usually on LinkedIn profile.
Discussion Company and Personal Objectives in <6 months (60 mins)
Full LinkedIn profile review and recommendations
Full resume and covering letter review and recommendations
Personalised job search support
Personal brand and content strategy support
Access to list of key recruiters to connect to on LinkedIn
Bespoke Job Search Suggestions
Assistance in developing text for bespoke Direct Message Approach
Personal introductions to 5 people (on LinkedIn or in my network)
Weekly 20-minute check-in sessions over the month
Access to a private LinkedIn group to share ideas and support with others
Ongoing Career Coaching & Mentoring
£250 / Month
This is a one-to-one paid mentoring session designed for people looking to update and get clarity on their objectives and grow in their roles.
Kick-off personal objective <12 months (30 mins)
30 mins fortnightly check-in 'accountability' session
Ongoing personalised support and ideas
Ongoing suggestions to refine your personal brand
Ongoing suggestions to refine your content strategy
Access to a private LinkedIn group to share ideas and support with others